Does anyone else agree with me that Jim's Guide to Spain should be in a prominent position at the top rather than hidden away right at the bottom of the page?
It's great that all his guides are together in one place but who is likely to find them where they are?
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:11am
Very helpful member
Good Morning Cheryl,
Yes, I agree that Jim’s Guides should be in a prominent position.
Also I think it would benefit everyone if Admin could
remind people to use the Quote button
and/or Edit button when posting?
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:29am
Legendary helpful member
Great suggestions from Cheryl and Maria.
Every time I want to recommend Jim's guides, I find myself scrolling down the page to copy and paste the link, so now I keep a copy of the link in my email drafts. It's easier to find when you're on a larger screen device, such as a PC or tablet, but for people accessing the forum on their mobile phone, it's way too easy to simply scroll straight past it, even assuming you know it's there in the first place.
I'm sure there's information about the functionality of the forum in a "How to....." guide, but I agree a reminder on how to use the various buttons would be helpful. I was reading a thread only yesterday when I realised that what appeared to be a random and inappropriate response to a member's post was probably meant for a different member about 3 comments earlier- using the "quote" button would have precluded the confusion.
Best wishes,
I agree with the previous comments, sometimes you get tired of scrolling down to copy and paste the link to the Guide. On the quote button, yes it saves confusion as to who or what is being replied to, but if it is a long comment it takes ages to scroll past the copied quote to get to the reply.
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:50pm
Legendary helpful member
Thanks for the support, folks.
As you're no doubt aware, admin don't make any money out of me, which is why all the paid ads appear first.
I think the only viable option would be for Alex, our IT guru, to have a separate sub-forum for guides, rather than having them hidden away in Announcements where most people don't bother to look.
Such a sub-forum should be for all guides, not just mine, so it could include the excellent guides by Davebev1 and UKHandyMan4Hire. In addition, it might encourage other people to write guides.
I'm going to use the Report button to report this thread to Alex, so he's prompted to consider the topic.
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Cheryl wrote on Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:22am:
Does anyone else agree with me that Jim's Guide to Spain should be in a prominent position at the top rather than hidden away right at the bottom of the page?
It's great that all his guides are together in one place but who is likely to find them where they are?
Thanks for this Cheryl. We have this is mind and will hopefully have something set up soon to help with this.
MeathMaria wrote on Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:11am:
Good Morning Cheryl,
Yes, I agree that Jim’s Guides should be in a prominent position.
Also I think it would benefit everyone if Admin couldRead more...
remind people to use the Quote button
and/or Edit button when posting?
Yes I am thinking of removing the "Reply" button on every reply and instead just keep the "Quote" button there, maybe renaming it to "Reply quoting this". This will hopefully mean more people use the quote button and conversations may make more sense for those following. What do people think of this?
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 5:03pm
Very helpful member
Good Jim,
Perhaps look at how many people actually see the ads while they are reading the excellent guides on this forum.
Without the help from you Jim, other Legendary helpers and more who take the time to reply this could be just any forum.
A large number of people would not see the advertisements if they were not looking for information about their life in Spain.
Thank you
John56 wrote on Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:36am:
I agree with the previous comments, sometimes you get tired of scrolling down to copy and paste the link to the Guide. On the quote button, yes it saves confusion as to who or what is being replied to, but if it is a long comment it takes ages to scroll past the copied quote to get to the reply.
Yes I think I will reduce the amount of text in a quote to reduce the amount of scrolling - any hidden text can be behind a "Read more" button.
Thank you Alex, and Jim, I agree, I am regularly going through announcements to unearth these treasures.
Edit: On the list of posts about topics we are involved in, could we have a tick box alongside each entry so when we read a thread all the way through, we don't have to keep going backwards and forwards until they all show as read but can just put multiple ticks to remove them in one go? Apologies if this is already available but I'm not the most technically minded.
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