Myself and my girlfriend live in the fisherman’s cottages in Guardamar. This is our main residence. We have to attend a meeting at Costal services on Monday where we will be given a demolition date for our home. Its heartbreaking. It is an historic part of Guardamar and we love living here. There is no compensation and no re homing and have been advised we have to pay for demolition.
Er, solicitor?
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 3:12pm
Swimmer57 wrote on Fri Jan 31, 2025 3:09pm:
Er, solicitor?
Hi. Thank you for your reply. We have a solicitor but unfortunately he has run out of options
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 3:23pm
Very helpful member
gilly08 wrote on Fri Jan 31, 2025 2:44pm:
Myself and my girlfriend live in the fisherman’s cottages in Guardamar. This is our main residence. We have to attend a meeting at Costal services on Monday where we will be given a demolition date for our home. Its heartbreaking. It is an historic part of Guardamar and we love living here. The...
Read more... is no compensation and no re homing and have been advised we have to pay for demolition.
Some more information may get you some advice, how did you come to be in the position as why your main Residence has to be demolished, is built without license, how your Solicitors has run out of options, have you talked with more than 1 Solicitors,
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 3:51pm
Sligogent wrote on Fri Jan 31, 2025 3:23pm:
Some more information may get you some advice, how did you come to be in the position as why your main Residence has to be demolished, is built without l...
...icense, how your Solicitors has run out of options, have you talked with more than 1 Solicitors,
Hi thanks for your reply. This situation has been ongoing for a few years and there are over 50 houses in the same position. I have been in Guardamar over 12 years. Our solicitor is working on a class action to prevent the demolition. However, we are working against the Spanish government and Supreme Court. It is so sad to see an historic part of Spain demolished. There are many people in the same position. Ken
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Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 4:18pm
Legendary helpful member
Hi Ken,
very sorry about your situation. I read online some time back about the batle with the coastal erosion, it must be very difficult to face such a loss. Good luck for the future.
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 4:21pm
aitchc1401 wrote on Fri Jan 31, 2025 4:18pm:
Hi Ken,
very sorry about your situation. I read online some time back about the batle with the coastal erosion, it must be very difficult to face such a loss. Good luck for the future.
Thank you
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 5:28pm
Helpful member
It is heartbreaking but coastal erosion is an expensive thing to fight against. I know exactly the cottages you are talking about and there is just a tiny strip of sand separating them from the sea and I guess as some have already been demolished or fallen down they will all at some time become dangerous for occupants and passers by alike.
I can't see a solution as the beach is public property so can't be blocked with a huge sea wall which would also ruin the outlook of the cottages themselves.
What are the solutions being discussed in the class action to save the properties or is it now down to compensation?
Posted: Sat Feb 1, 2025 11:02am
Super helpful member
If all the home owners get together and agree , rather than be completely out of pocket, you could get professional builders to erect a sea wall which should prevent the sea penetrating your homes. Those cottages should be protected and not allowed to be demolis as they are all part of the historic charm of Guardamar. The very name of the town suggests that it’s there to GUARD THE SEA!!
All the best. Don’t go without a valiant fight.
Posted: Sat Feb 1, 2025 11:34am
Grannyrose wrote on Sat Feb 1, 2025 11:02am:
If all the home owners get together and agree , rather than be completely out of pocket, you could get professional builders to erect a sea wall which should prevent the sea penetrating your homes. Those cottages should be protected and not allowed to be demolis as they are all part of the ...
...historic charm of Guardamar. The very name of the town suggests that it’s there to GUARD THE SEA!!
All the best. Don’t go without a valiant fight.
Thank you. You are so right they are part of the history. They have been here since 1932. We need to protect the history.
When the marina was built we believe the advise was it would have an adverse effect on the coast line. Along with global warming. We do have around 60ft of beach at the moment. It will be a sad day when it’s all gone.
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