Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2024 1:23pm
Mueblos Lamarina… Spanish toppers are nothing like uk ones,believe me I’ve tried,I’m an ex soldier veteran, and bought toppers from Amazon etc and they all will eventually leave a hump down the middle,the bit that’s never lay on. My Spanish topper never ever does that,and because of its make up goes back into its shape within half an hour,gives super lower spinal relief. It’s make up is blue inside,like little flakes of bubbles but it’s some job,now I did pay about 200 euros for it,but it’s definitely worth that 3 times over,so much so I want to get a fella that’s doing removals take one back to Scotland for me..The Spanish makers don’t post them either I’ve tried everything,they are also very heavy what’s ever in them,not the daft memory foam jobs,these will literally change your life for sure,now you can see how I’m going demented trying to get one back to the uk,they are some job,4 inch thick,but made with different layers of Stuff.These are far far better than those Dormeo ones.