I was a victim of a distraction crime in alicante airport this Saturday 25th while loading my luggage in the hire car ( goldcar ) level 2 at the airport a guy came to the front of the car asking for assistance about he couldn't find his own hire car and looking at his phone he spoke little English German Spanish and Arabic and I would say Moroccan I just told him to go to the office but he started trying to get me looking at his phone which I did stupidly at the front of the car for about 20 seconds in that time my laptop was stolen from the boot !!! So be aware Spanish police are on the case !!!!!
Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 4:05pm
Helpful member
Sorry to hear of your loss. I'd hate to think what i would do if mine got pinched. Not because it's worth a great deal but is an important tool that i couldn't do without. However, the airport is riddled with cameras as well as ANPR. They'll get the thieving scum bags.
Sorry to hear. Villas.
Sorry to hear of the incident but to Roach (and anybody else who rates their laptop as critical to their lives) why leave yourself exposed to such potential trauma when measures which would render a loss or terminal failure down to little more than a temporary inconvenience are relatively simple and cheap to implement?
For the majority that would probably boil down to nothing more than backing up irreplaceable data something which isn't difficult to do even at novice level!
Simply, Thieves: use, distraction, vulnerable or be those older, journeys etc etc, will always be there. Somebody will fall foul at some stage. In hindsight sometime´s is enough. Sorry to hear of the incident as " Roach " quite correct.
Sometimes prevention, is not enough. It will happy to them, otherwise they work away. No advice & better luck. Good advice all to the Airports to distractions.
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Hi Sam, as others have said. Genuine sympathy goes out to you for having these No Marks invade your space and rob from you. I do hope the CCTV can help track them down with hopefully you having the return of your property.
Thanks too for warning others of the need to be vigilant.
Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 1:37am
Helpful member
It's not that it is critical to my life Movingon, that's just exaggerating. More of a royal pain in the arse if it got robbed, backed up or not.
Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 8:48am
Super helpful member
The very same happened to me - same place, same trick, same laptop - some weeks ago. My warning post in this forum was banned - and I even was threatened to be banned from the forum - for my way of identifying the crooks.
killjoy wrote on Thu May 30, 2019 8:48am:
The very same happened to me - same place, same trick, same laptop - some weeks ago. My warning post in this forum was banned - and I even was threatened to be banned from the forum - for my way of identifying the crooks.
Killjoy, thanks for also highlighting the problem . why was your contribution deleted, and why was it you were judged to have have fallen foul of Forum rules? I didn't see your post on that subject..
So sorry to hear of your horrible experience. What some despicable people will do for their own selfish greed makes me so angry 😡. Thank you for sharing and I hope the police catch them and retrieve your property so you can put the incident behind you. All the best to you.
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