Cheryl & PeteKnight. As we were saying……..His comments are all valid. All “posters”, in particular, those mentioned who pass on valuable information to all as a service. Oh…..wait a minute,,,,,it´s gone! Jajaja
Cheryl & PeteKnight. As we were saying……..His comments are all valid. All “posters”, in particular, those mentioned who pass on valuable information to all as a service. Oh…..wait a minute,,,,,it´s gone! Jajaja
I read it earlier, without commenting . Now censored and gone without trace without any explanation. Not good at all ! !!!
Jajaja, Have to be quick these days!, The antibiotic post ´ll be gone next due to legality clause, jajaja........."poooof", no,....sorry I meant " Abracadabra"
Villas wrote on Sat Jun 1, 2019 10:25am:
Jajaja, Have to be quick these days!, The antibiotic post ´ll be gone next due to legality clause, jajaja........."poooof", no,....sorry I meant " Abracadabra"
Villas, Wait till the Brexit show gets rolling again and the debates heat up once more .
The oversensitve Mods tippex pen will sure be working overtime. 😃
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What have I missed now
LeckyLes wrote on Sat Jun 1, 2019 10:29am:
Villas, Wait till the Brexit show gets rolling again and the debates heat up once more .
The oversensitve Mods tippex pen will sure be working overtime. 😃
Mods n' Rockers "tip" over the edge. Villas
Which just shows. There is grey. Not always black & white. Villas.
This post that was quoted has been deleted.
Ray D . Thanks. Has it disappeared again ?
Hokey-Dokey and...
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