Posted: Fri Sep 2, 2022 5:45pm
Hi Boca J,
That's correct and, today, Good Law Project has announced that it's filing two court cases against Ofgem, in the High Court in London and the Court of Session in Edinburgh, for failing to protect those placed at risk of hardship by the price cap rises that Ofgem is responsible for authorising. GLP is concerned that Ofgem appears not to have given due consideration to the idea of imposing a social tariff or a variable cap, which would have provided lower prices to those who need them most. The proceedings ask Ofgem to commit to conducting a proper impact assessment and to explain why it rejected the idea of a social tariff.
Of course, the eye watering increases in energy prices are a worldwide issue, but the UK is one of the richest countries in the world and it seems unbelievable that its regulator isn't doing more to help those for whom the Government appears to have little regard. That a non-profit organisation has to be taking this action to hold the regulator to account is even more staggering.
Kind regards,