Hi, my house in Los Dolses is cold as I'm sure you are all aware. It's our first winter having a place here so didn't expect the house to be so cold. We have a fireplace so we would like a wood burner or even a grate to light an open fire. Where would I get either?
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:21am
Very helpful member
We bought our log burner from Budget Burners who have a shop based in San Fulgencio.
We found them to be very helpful as they'll come to your house and give you advice, no hard sell. We've been very happy with our log burner and been nice and toasty since :-)
Budget Burners: tel 634305085
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:38am
Thanks for that. Our fireplace is an odd shape being much narrower at the back so hopefully they'll be able to supply something suitable
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:46am
Legendary helpful member
as an option - if you have a/c units with the heat capability, most are this type, then they are pretty cheap to run if you set the temperature to 23/24C or lower.
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:58am
Helpful member
Are Wood-Burning Stoves Safe for Your Health?
Wood burners are bad for your health and the environment, so everybody else's health as well. Pellet burners are only slightly better and open fires even worse. Trees don't grow fast enough to keep up with the boom in wood and pellet burners and pellets are not only made from waste but forests are being decimated.
The houses are cold because they are probably of single skin construction and badly insulated. If your home is open plan to the stairs, this just makes it harder to heat so if it is at all possible, block the stairs off.
Air conditioners are cheaper to heat than cool. Storage heaters have come a long way too.
Other than that, layers, rugs, thick curtains.
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Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 1:50pm
Helpful member
The cosiest thing is a hot water bottle.
Just the cost of heating two kettles of water too.
We sit watching tv,with a hot water bottle,and a light throw.
Proper toasty.
We wasted €800 buying a Night SStorage Heater,which just about took the chill off the air?
Air con.Is also good.
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 1:54pm
Helpful member
Flyingduck81 wrote on Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:58am:
Are Wood-Burning Stoves Safe for Your Health?
Wood burners are bad for your health and the environment, so everybody else's health as well. Pellet burners are only slightly better and open fires even worse. Trees don't grow fast enough to keep up with the boom in wood and pellet burners and pellets are not only made from waste but forests ar...
...e being decimated.
The houses are cold because they are probably of single skin construction and badly insulated. If your home is open plan to the stairs, this just makes it harder to heat so if it is at all possible, block the stairs off.
Air conditioners are cheaper to heat than cool. Storage heaters have come a long way too.
Other than that, layers, rugs, thick curtains.
Paid €800 for a night storage heater three years ago.
Absolute garbage.
Just about took the chill off the air,plus we had a massive electricity bill.
Posted: Sat Feb 1, 2025 2:26pm
Legendary helpful member
Wood burners are excellent for heating. But we threw ours out and bought a pellet burner in its place as we were not prepared to keep stacking piles of logs dumped on the drive, to say nothing of cleaning the damn thing daily! Pellet burner cleaner and easier.
Posted: Sat Feb 1, 2025 3:13pm
Helpful member
Stephanie86 wrote on Sat Feb 1, 2025 2:26pm:
Wood burners are excellent for heating. But we threw ours out and bought a pellet burner in its place as we were not prepared to keep stacking piles of logs dumped on the drive, to say nothing of cleaning the damn thing daily! Pellet burner cleaner and easier.
Drax: UK power station still burning rare forest wood
Potential Health Issues with Pellet Stoves
I am no eco warrior but I have huge concerns for the number of wood and pellet burners being installed which are not as good for the environment as promised and have negative effects on health both on those using them and for those in the general surroundings.
Stephanie, I understand you have other very eco friendly forms of heating but pellet stoves are not the innocent answer they are sold as and I try to warn people to at least research the pros and cons and then make their own minds up.
Posted: Sat Feb 1, 2025 3:23pm
Legendary helpful member
Thank you for your considerate thoughts, Flyingduck. However, not being prepared to live in a cold house, perhaps you could outline effective alternatives for two older people? Yes, I am fully cognisant of all the pros and cons and am capable of making an informed decisión. FWIW, we bought an extremely expensive Austrian device, made to the highest current standards and fully compliant with all current regulations and electronically controlled to close down at the slightest hint of malfunction or escape of polluting gases.
People are aware of your concerns, but unless and until there are adequate alternatives, sorry, but it is completely impossible for me to cope when cold!
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