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Flying from UK to Valencia then by train to Gandia

Posted: Sun Jun 9, 2019 10:32am
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Posts: 5

Location: Oliva

Joined: 19 May 2019

Hi there

Just wondered if anyone on the forum in Oliva had done this trip and what advice you would offer if you had done so? Also what are the best and  worst bits of living in Oliva? It appears to be a great place to visit or retire.

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 10:49am

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Location: Oliva

Joined: 5 Apr 2019

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 10:49am


We haven't personally taken the train from Valencia airport to Gandia but my elderly parents have and found it very easy. We have also met lots of people on the plane that choose to get to and from the airport this way and recommend it. I am pretty sure that you have to change trains in Valencia, and there is more than one station in Valencia, so make sure you know the timetable and where to change as not everybody speaks English.

As for Oliva, we don't live in Oliva but in a village about 20 minutes inland but use Oliva and Gandia as our main big towns. They are both really nice, lively places with lots going on, a great authentic Spanish feel and lots of amenities. There are also lots of English and other expats in both towns, and although Oliva gets tourists it doesn't get overrun with them as most of the beach houses and flats are second homes, owned mainly by Spanish people. The Friday market in Oliva is great for buying your fruit and vegetables and also sells much more. Oliva's beaches are especially lovely and do not get too busy even in the height of the summer. 

If you are looking to move to Oliva (or any area you don't know well), I would recommend visiting the area several times and at different times of the day, and on different days of the week, to get a real feel for it. That 'quiet little street' you visit on a week day afternoon, may be home to neighbours that are very noisy late into the night, or a rat run for lads on loud mopeds. Also, I understand from friends that, as in the UK, many Spanish towns have rough areas that are best avoided but not always spotted by newbies to Spain until it is too late. Also, remember that the beach areas are quiet outside the summer season, and many of the restaurants and shops have limited opening for much of the year, so do not move to the beach expecting year round action. 

If you find an area you like, go and eat in a local cafe and ask the people there about it, or try to speak to the neighbours. (That worked very well for us and they are now some of our best friends in Spain).

If you are not going to be driving in Spain I would have thought that Oliva would be a good place to base yourselves. However, if you are going to be driving you could also consider other towns and villages around Oliva, such as Villalonga, La Font D'en Carros, Potries etc. (Not only are the houses cheaper sometimes but an advantage of living in a smaller place is that you get to know people quickly)

I hope this helps you. 

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