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Thinking of moving to Torrevieja Costa Blanca Area

Posted: Tue May 1, 2018 2:59pm
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Posts: 8

Location: Torrevieja

Joined: 1 May 2018

Hi, been thinking of moving to Torrevieja or Costa blanca area, at the the moment I am in UK, no children to bring with me so was wondering if it was viable.

I am a qualified (City and Guilds) Plumber/tiler and wanted to know a good location to live where it is easy access to road networks. Quiet in evenings but also 10 to 15 mins to sea front/ beach tapas/bars and restaurants.

Would really appreciate it if anyone could help me answer the following,

1. Is there more work for Plumbers or Tilers ?

2. What happens to your National Insurance Contributions once you leave UK and become resident in Spain ? do you keep on with them or does the Spanish system take over as I still have quite a few years of contributions left.

3.Does anyone know if there is any employment for the above in this area and if so what is the average income ?

4. How much is the average house price in this area for 2 bed house/ bungalow and what are the average monthly bills,

   Water, electric, telephone, television,sewage etc ?

5. I have looked into being Autonomo and realise that there is a monthly payment to the Spanish tax system, has this law changed and how much would this be? If I decided to go down this route would there be part time work, bars, restaurants cleaning etc while I built up work ? 

6. What is the average price of a decent 2nd hand LHD van over there Peugot partner, Transit van size and what is the road tax price (I have read somewhere that it is better to get the log book filled in by a professional as there can be problems)?

7.Would it be better to buy a Left Hand Drive Van over in UK  then drive over and use that or would there be issues with registration in Spain after a period of time ?

8. What would be the Spanish equivalent of an M.O.T test, when do they have to be done and provided there was nothing wrong with the vehicle what would be the cost ? 

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