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Demolition orders and illegal properties

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 8:36pm
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Hi I’ve read so much about illegal houses in Catral. I’ve been informed that most can be made legal by putting in new septic tanks etc. Then once you receive a HC the demolition order is lifted. Has anyone had experience with this?

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 8:12am

Basil brush

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Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 8:12am

Hi Jersygirl,

We brought an illegal villa a while back In catral as we love the area.

We were told by our independent Solictor and the agent( for what’s that worth) that it could be legal.

We set about having the mini sewage system installed and getting the architect to take care of the paperwork/ plans etc which need to be signed off .

I think from memory our longest and maybe biggest item we had to wait for was main water to be had an unpaid bill on the house when we brought it so as a gesture we paid it thinking it may help/ speed up connecting but as the bill was going into a different name they needed a habitation cert for the house first! So a bit of a circle and maybe 18mths in total to sort but in the meantime we had a water storage tank installed and pump and it actually worked better then the mains once it was connected! Slightly dearer to buy tankers of fresh drinking water and certainly made you more aware of the commodity of water used on a daily basis. 
I know it’s not for everyone to go down this route but we like an adventure and was assured everything would work out....which it did.

Bottom line was what we paid for the villa and the improvements and costs involved to make legal still far outweighed the price of any already legal we loved the area and the actual house! 
It never had a demolition order upon it and I dont actually know of any that have in the area personally....the remit we were always told was that the council and the valancian govt want to legalize all the properties and continue to collect taxes etc as at the end of the day they are being sold on a daily basis to savvy Spainish and foreigners! 

Good luck in your quest and adventure!

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