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Dog poo

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:47am
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Can we get some dog poo bins. Some "pick it up or "pay up" stencils on the roads.

It's not rocket science, that awful feeling when your foot land in some when out walking in the street. You can see the evidence where people have scraped there shoe on the curb. Or a push chair has been wheeled through it. 

But it starts with the bins, having picked it up you need somewhere to put it. If it goes on non specific bins, someone will ultamately will be sorting through them and come across it, and the consequences it brings them. Start with the roads, streets and paths please......

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:58am


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Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:58am

Dep Eng wrote on Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:47am:

Can we get some dog poo bins. Some "pick it up or "pay up" stencils on the roads.

It's not rocket science, that awful feeling when your foot land in some when out walking in the street. You can see the evidence where people have scraped there shoe on the curb. Or a push chair has been wheeled through it. ...




But it starts with the bins, having picked it up you need somewhere to put it. If it goes on non specific bins, someone will ultamately will be sorting through them and come across it, and the consequences it brings them. Start with the roads, streets and paths please......

Oh I so very much agree with your post!!!

I posted similar in the past about the back streets of Benidorm. Dog poo all along some of the pavements. When it's dark it's virtually impossible to avoid.......

It's not the dogs fault and I never blame the dogs as its the owners who allow their pets to do it and they are to lazy to pick it up.

Absolutely disgusting practice 😤 


Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 1:09pm


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Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 1:09pm

I sympathise Dep Eng - I don't want to step in my own dog's excrement, let alone any others!  I don't think even a lack of bins is an excuse.  Poop bags are very cheap in the Chinese bazaars - we carry them all the time.  There may not be a bin immediately available, but usually there is eventually - although, occasionally, we've had to put a full bag in the car boot 🤭

Ultimately, your Town Hall is responsible for providing the bins and signage.  A collection of photos and perhaps a local petition may gain their support.  Educating the ignorant is probably down to all of us.

Kind regards, 


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