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Permenant Resident UK citizens - Up to 5 year abscence

Posted: Sat Feb 6, 2021 10:52am
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Location: Cabo Roig

Joined: 6 Jan 2021

UK citizens who have processed permenant residency in Spain (5+ years) I understand can leave Spain for up to 5 years and recover residency on return any time before the 5 years away are up.  I am fairly sure this was 2 years tlll the Brexit EU agreement.was in place.

So I suppose you sign off padron & then go to migracion and let them know you plan to leave.

I assume they change your residence status to non resident on that visit and they give you a non resident certificate there and then ? 

Then on return to Spain would it just be case of showing you old residency card (or at least a copy of it should they have taken it away from you on your leaving visit to migracion), filling out  the EX23 form and they would then give you another permenant resident TIE - without any financial or medical insurance documents required ?

I suppose someone may have some recent experience of being a permenant residence and returning after a  two year abscence. 

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