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Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 11:36pm

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Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 11:36pm

aitchc1401 wrote on Fri May 29, 2020 3:04pm:

Hi John,

          I have seen a lot of comments about the UK restrictions being lax and about people ignoring them. Well my experience has been that the vast majority of the population have followed the lockdown rules for the past 10 weeks or so and the restrictions have been in ...



...line with what many other countries have imposed. The media like to highlight the idiots who ignore the government guidelines, but these are by far the minority. I am in living in Lincolnshire, all my neighbours and friends have been following the rules. We speak with family in London, Horsham and the North East of England and  they all report the same. 

  In recent days there seems to be a general increase in people out and about but that is mostly due to the relaxation that occurred in the middle of May to allow people to travel further and do activities like golf, fishing, tennis. 

 If anyone has the impression that the UK in general have been ignoring the restrictions then they are wrong, they have been followed remarkably well on the whole.



Well Arch I am stuck in UK. I can tell you that the neighbours each side of me have been breaking  the lock down laws since the government introduced them back in March. What has hacked me off is that one family member is a nurse in the NHS and we are supposed to go out on Thursday applauding our NHS! The other family has 2 visitors at the same time 4 in total as well as having meals together! Meanwhile the rest of us do as we are told. 

Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 12:36am


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Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 12:36am

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You can enter Spain at any time with minimum of don't need residency as 90% of folk on here advise..I do it every 3 weeks so I talk from experience....Final point COVID ..I've been looking back historically and this is the first time in history that during a pandemic healthy people have been forced to isolate

Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 9:18am

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Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 9:18am

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Where are you getting this information from, the little you see on the tv the biased view only been on this forum about 3 weeks No it seems to be U.K. people who moved from U.K. to live In Spain complain about the U.K. For your information most people in the U.K. stuck to what they were supposed to do including myself, I did notice on this forum the first day of the end of the lockdown the pubs being full and no social distancing so Spain has the same problems. Was both Barcelona and Madrid still under stage 1 as of last week and Alicante could not move from stage 1 last week, you still have your issues out there, I’m guessing none of you have a business that needs to survive because of tourists otherwise you would not be saying any of this. Yes there have been lots of fines in the U.K. in fact it has now gone up 

Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 9:19am

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Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 9:19am

Andyb1208 wrote on Fri May 29, 2020 11:12am:

Hi RayD,

Some of the hoards from abroad own property and are still paying their taxes and utility bills (quite rightly).



So yes we do want to get back to beautiful Spain as quick as possible



I also own in Spain and can’t wait to return to Spain and spend some time in our home.  Of course we want everyone to follow the rules and be safe.  Hopefully we can visit soon. 

Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 9:27am

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Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 9:27am

Picko289 wrote on Sat May 30, 2020 7:33pm:

Have you been reading the comments or just registering the bit you want to!!!! knowone is saying people cannot visit there homes or visit benidorm and there's no snobbery what I can read and knowone is saying spain is covid free 2 deaths registered in spain yesterday as opposed to 324 uk  66...



...4 new cases in spain as opposed to 2100 uk I'm personally worried that a full lockdown as opposed to a UK lockdown when the draw bridge is lowered spanish figures equally stay lowered and for you information under normal circumstances I like a good jolly up but if you wasn't aware this virus is contagious and a country that's not letting anyone in unless you do a 14 day isolation why let them out the country in the first place ? Spain needs tourism but not at human cost 

How many weeks is the U.K. behind Spain, minimum 2-3

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Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 9:47am


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Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 9:47am

John56 wrote on Fri May 29, 2020 3:13pm:

I take your points onboard, however, in my opinion the severity of the restrictions in the U.K. has not matched those in Spain and watching Television News, social media and reports from my own family we have the impression that there is widespread disregard for the guidelines. The sight of hundr...



...eds in parks and on beaches, the ability to go out for exercise right from the beginning of the "lockdown" and other breaches of safe distancing does not give us much confidence when it is compared to the virtual total lockdown that we have endured in Spain. Much has been sacrificed and lost and we fear that an influx of people from other Nations ( not just the U.K. ) will set us back and we will be left to pick up the pieces when the second surge hits.

In my experience,20 years living in Spain,for the first 10 years "ex pats" adopt the "everything in Spain is wonderful and the people are soooo nice" and that any visitor from the UK is an embarassment ,badly behaved and Benidorm bound.Eventually they realise that the Spanish authorities are just as corrupt as they ever were ,foreigners will always be just that and Spanish people are like people the world over ,some nice some not.

The "we dont want those people here" attitude is typical of this adopted attitude,there are them ...and us.

The UK ,as all over the Globe suffered from the hysteria labelled Covid 19,a new strain of virus which affects people with compromised immune systems,1% of the population.

This virus and its effects has been exagerated by "Social Media" and a generation or two who use it constantly generating pressure in governments and started a domino effect as countries bent to the will of the Social Media and imposed draconian lockdowns on their populations and economies.

Different governments utilised the lockdowns for different reasons,France to stop rioting and to position themselves for next round of Brexit against the UK,Germany to hide the recession and provide a reason for the coming hike in taxes and to prepare for the loss of revenue from the UK after Brexit,Ireland to divert attention from the attempts of the two main parties to form a new government and keep the terrorist Sin Fein out of power and so it goes.

Spain is no different ,Catalonia etc,the one unifying thing is the EU corporate vilification of the UK and the Governments handling if Covid ,this will in months to come build up and various ploys will be employed to put pressure on the UK to bend to the EUs will and if possible extend the negotiations indefinately, the money will come in handy.

Hence the clamour from the EU for the UK to lockdown,(like everyone else) and so damage the economy weakening their determination to wrap up the Brexit negotiations by Dec 31st.

Country after country will adopt the boycott of the "Brits" to apply pressure on the Government  and Britain has responded by the 14 day isolation to generate a "staycation" this year in the UK.

The virus that affects us all ,it is "Social Media" and the "sheeple" who actually believe it all,we have had various versions of it about over the last few years,"MMR",Millenium bug," BLM" "Climate Change" "Greta Thurmberg" various juvenile "days of action worldwide etc etc and of course "all things Trump" and "Brexit".

Basically most people in the UK complied with the lockdown  measures ,believed or not,the toxic remainer media switched from Brexit vilification to Covid19 shortcomings and are ,now the covid is finishing, back to Brexit.

Everybody who believed that there was a pea soup of virus swirling around the streets or that it was invisible fleas that cannot jump 2metres of course will not want to be told that it was all for nothing and was not serious at all ,people die,it is what happens everyday.

In order to "bring people down" rules will be relaxed ,masks will be worn (why not all wear a noddy hat with a bell on it), and slowly things will be allowed to get back to normal.

Not surprisingly most EU countries recovered from Covid very quickly,just as the economy started to "tank", coincidence? No ! Couldnt be , just put it out on Social Media that we did it right....."together".

Just to finish, here in the UK we have a particularly virilent and toxic anti government pro EU liberal media ,people living here in general are normal and want to get on with life,the lockdown has been complied with ,in the same way it was abroad , the term " rose coloured glasses" could be applied to much of the "ex pat" comments reference how Spain fared ,Social Media presents a different picture as we see crowds of people out and about ,families in bars behind closed doors ,no different than here,just not publicised.

Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 9:52am


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Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 9:52am

Peter02 wrote on Sun May 31, 2020 11:36pm:

Well Arch I am stuck in UK. I can tell you that the neighbours each side of me have been breaking  the lock down laws since the government introduced them back in March. What has hacked me off is that one family member is a nurse in the NHS and we are supposed to go out on Thursday applaudin...



...g our NHS! The other family has 2 visitors at the same time 4 in total as well as having meals together! Meanwhile the rest of us do as we are told. 

Hi Peter,

        well I did say the "vast majority" are obeying the lockdown rules, as you also say at the end of your post. Disappointing that a NHS nurse would flaunt the rules though. There are always a small number of people wherever you are in the world that do not obey rules and do what they like. 



Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 10:11am


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Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 10:11am

soupspice wrote on Mon Jun 1, 2020 9:27am:

How many weeks is the U.K. behind Spain, minimum 2-3

9 day difference on lockdown BUT totally different lockdown scenarios spain was lockdown fully uk was locked down in name only no comparison  

Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 10:53am


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Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 10:53am

No comparison but it was a civilised lockdown. We were treated like responsible people from the start. Thank goodness we weren’t treated like prisoners who got a time for exercise that had to be adhered to. Many of us did not darken a shop and used delivery service for all of our needs. While during lockdown in Spain , everyone HAD to go out to buy their needs. Surly the UK are dealing with out isolation must more sensibly. Yes, we may walk anytime we like which allows people great joy. People over here are SO happy. Businesses have been helped by the government so people aren’t starving. Family in London are working from home and also teaching their children which is difficult but I have never seen my daughter look so happy. No rushing to catch a packed train, no racing off to meetings, no time watching to get back to collect the children from day care . Meetings now held remotely and successfully. The business she us involved in is thriving.  My son is working from home and believes that this is how work will be in the future, his partner was furloughed and spends her time happily getting the house sorted and they both sit outside in the sun for coffee and lunch. My daughter at home here is off on maternity leave, her husband did not believe that he could possibly work from home successfully but was proved wrong as he too loves working from home and doesn’t have to race off at 7.30am to get into the office and shock of shocks, he has saved a lot of money into the bargain.  We will see a lot of change in the future.

Yes, our lockdown has been respected by the vast majority of people. You see foolish people breaking the rules as this sells newspapers, you won’t see much about people like ourselves who have done what we were advised to. We aren’t idiots over here but thankfully many of us are happy but if I had been in residence in Spain, I would have aged 20 years probably... nothing much to do.  People isolated in a one bedroom apartment, no garden, no diy work to do, it must have been hell. Some people rely on using WiFi from their local bar or coffee shop, how are they coping?  I gave my Netflix password to a friend and she and her husband have loved it and it has helped them enormously during the bad weather. The only difference for us is not being able to meet friends and family otherwise we have not suffered. Yes, we can’t travel to London or abroad but we can cope with that.  We can drive to the coast or anywhere in the province and indeed many are doing this now and causing major upset with the council ( leaving all their litter behind, no public toilets available). This all indicates to me that the general public want lockdown to come to a complete end and get back to normality.

Life must go on 

Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 11:37am


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Posted: Mon Jun 1, 2020 11:37am

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Ray, We have not been told to wear masks in the UK,  we are told by the experts that wearing a mask will not stop you catching the virus, wearing a mask in crowded places will reduce the distance of spray if someone coughs, and just to add wearing gloves are to stop cross contamination Solo use, If you touch one thing in a shop they should be removed and a new pair put on before  you touch anything else so really you would need a box of gloves to do your shopping so wearing gloves is not practical.

In Wales we are a couple of weeks behind the rest of the country regarding opening up, over the weekend the beaches here in Denbighshire were deserted even though the temperature was up to 26  so the majority of people have been abiding by the rules at least in North Wales. However as of today we are allowed to go on the beach so we’ll see what happens.

In North Wales we rely on tourism with all the caravan parks we have here and just like everyone wanting to come here to enjoy their second homes people want to do the same in Spain, but as people are saying it needs to be safe to do so.

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