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Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:21am
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Can anybody tell me please what the following road sign means.  It is a square white sign with a picture of two cars (similar to the no overtaking sign) with diagonal lines through it.  I came across this sign on several occasions when driving on country roads when after leaving a built up area or after a speed restriction sign and I'm not sure if it means that you can revert to the speed limit for that road or not. I was sticking to the last speed limit sign which had been 70 km/h and several cars overtook me and they didn't look too happy at the speed that I was doing. Whilst not wanting to get booked for speeding I'm also not wanting to get booked for the Spanish equivalent of careless driving.

Anyone that can help it would be much appreciated.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 11:49am


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Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 11:49am

Whatever it is, it's not in the DGT list of signs I've got, and I haven't got time to dig out the related law.

However, a diagonal line through a sign means the end of a prohibition that would have been signed previously. 

I'd guess that it means the end of a no overtaking zone - you can check by looking if the centre line on the road turns from continuous to broken where the sign is situated.

Spain don't seem to do signs for the end of a speed restriction. I often have to look in my mirrors to try and spot the sign on the other side of the road that shows where a speed restriction starts, so I know when I've left a restricted zone.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:56pm


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Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:56pm

Thanks Tony G but I appreciate what it means, to clarify, I meant if it has a double meaning and you can also accelerate to the national speed limit for the road. In France for example when entering a town it has a sign with the town name but also has a double meaning to reduce your speed to 50km/h.Just to clarify an "end of overtaking" roundel (mandatory traffic sign) in the UK doesn't exist. The end of overtaking rule is dictated by the centre line markings or alternatively on your new road. 

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