Orihuela Costa forum
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Jim's guides - your complete guide to Spain
57 replies 118 helpful posts

What you need when travelling to Spain from the UK (9 August 2021)
10 replies 16 helpful posts
Properties in the Orihuela Costa area
For sale: 2 bedroom apartment / flat - €212,350
Key Ready Apartments for Sale in Lomas de Campoamor, Orihuela CostaDiscover the Exclusive Lomas de C...
For sale: 4 bedroom house / villa - €630,000
This South Facing, Absolutely Stunning, Four Bedroom, Detached Villa in Villamartin, is loc...
For sale: 2 bedroom apartment / flat - €239,999
Three compelling reasons to invest in this contemporary apartment: 1. Luxurious communal spaces ...
Brexit and the EU: living, holidaying and moving to Orihuela Costa
Discuss your questions about Brexit and the EU and what it means for Orihuela Costa

Moving personal goods to Spain for a holiday
202 replies 57 helpful posts

Long term visa
36 replies 27 helpful posts
Coronavirus discussion in Orihuela Costa: Covid-19 news and updates
Discuss Coronavirus in Orihuela Costa

Getting back to Spain
47 replies 62 helpful posts

Hotel Quarantine for all arrivals in the UK?
68 replies 72 helpful posts
General Orihuela Costa discussion
Talk about everything related to Orihuela Costa that isn't covered elsewhere

Thoughts about outstaying 90 days
43 replies 35 helpful posts
Buy and sell items in Orihuela Costa
Advertise here for free any unwanted/secondhand items that you would like to sell or buy in Orihuela Costa. For example: Household items/Bicycles/Garden furniture etc. Please include prices and photos, if possible.
Driving, hiring, buying and owning a car in Orihuela Costa
Discuss driving, hiring, buying and owning a car in Orihuela Costa, including licences and documents, ITV testing etc

Car parking
1 replies 2 helpful posts

Driving license renewal
4 replies 1 helpful posts
Orihuela Costa Forum statistics
Members in Orihuela Costa: 2,299
All members in Costa Blanca: 65,688
Topics in Orihuela Costa: 3,416
All topics in Costa Blanca: 81,097
Posts in Orihuela Costa: 14,792
All posts in Costa Blanca: 376,049
0 members online in Orihuela Costa
14 members online in Costa Blanca: Annie, Martin the artist, bob 123, Classic man, Mags14, Wriggs69, Betsandoc3, Brywalker123, rds1234, Meg3628, Franky1965, Steve Mea, James 7, Franklyn
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