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Cumbre Cats

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:16pm
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Location: Cumbre del Sol

Joined: 26 Sep 2019

Good morning everyone

I'd like to highlight the amazing work the people at Cumbre Cats are achieving. The stray population was escalating and two years ago it was distressing to see the amount of unwanted cats, many young and many with kittens. Fast forward to the current day and the cats are looking so much healthier as they're neutered under the capture and release scheme and treated for fleas etc. There are also feeding stations where some of the cats are fed. So all in all it is looking much better for these lovely animals and can I please ask that we all treat them with kindness as they're there through no fault if their own and are just trying to survive. I've just spent a couple of weeks in my apartment in Calle Murrillo, Monte Cala and it was so nice to see the improvement in the cats. I had four regular visitors whilst there, all very sweet and patient. I left my door open and they sat outside like any domestic cat enjoying the closeness of a normal home. I did give them treats and left a few bowls of water out discretely hidden to keep the area looking nice. These cats were affectionate with each other but still very nervous of me as they obviously get shooed away most of the time by people. I also witnessed a woman allowing her two small dogs run under a car snapping and snarling at a poor cat, very nearly catching it. It could have been worse as the cat could have run into the path of a car. At the very least this cat was scared and the woman couldn't have cared less.

So I please ask that we are all kinder and more considerate to the cats as they really don't ask for much. Cumbre del Sol is their home and most of them have been there for longer than a lot of residents. 

One last very important point, please drive with them in mind as many of them sleep unseen under cars and can be spooked into running out from the under the cars and I've seen some very near misses with drivers speeding along my road. It would be helpful to have a speed limit sign but alas there aren't any.

So finally, thanks for bearing with me, if you have! And please exercise some kindness. Cumbre Cats are doing a magnificent job but individually we can help also. The cat numbers appear to me to be much less (I don't have stats) but it makes sense with the neutering program numbers will reduce.

I know the cat feeder near me buys the food herself feeding over 15 cats a day whilst she is there so I'm sure any donations would be appreciated and also help towards the neutering and vet fees.

So please check out Cumbre Cats.

Thank you.

Joanne, Calle Murrillo 

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:25pm


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Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:25pm

What a lovely post ! Sounds like they're doing a wonderful job 🙂

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