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Things to do ?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 12:30pm
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Hi, me, my husband and 2 children (9&11) are going to Formentera del segura next month and was wondering what things there is to do? either locally, a short walk away or a very short drive away. My husband is driving for the first time abroad so is nervous so wants to limit the amount of driving he does. We've been told there is a water park about half an hour walk away. is this true? if so could someone tell me what its called so I can look it up please. Is there any markets? I love a good market. My son wants to get a sim card for while we are over there so he can use the internet while we are out (he loves pokemon go) will I be able to get one there? Its only for the internet and he would only need about 2GB. Ive read that Vodafone do a good one for 15 euro with 3GB of data, can I buy that in the local shop? Any information would be greatly appreciated as we've never been this this part of spain before

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:11am


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Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:11am

The water park at Quesada depends on your walking speed, and I don't know if it will be open in April, but this is the link:

If you just go down to the Segura river, you have an easy flat walk either in the Guardamar or Orihuela direction.

The nearest decent market is Rojales (Thursdays) - walk along the river and combine two in one!

There's a big Sunday market (Zoco) just off the AP7 junction for Quesada.

There are loads of mobile phone shops in most towns, but I don't know what provider would best meet your needs.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 11:52am


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Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 11:52am

Emzie86 wrote on Mon Mar 13, 2017 12:30pm:

Hi, me, my husband and 2 children (9&11) are going to Formentera del segura next month and was wondering what things there is to do? either locally, a short walk away or a very short drive away. My husband is driving for the first time abroad so is nervous so wants to limit the amou...



...nt of driving he does. We've been told there is a water park about half an hour walk away. is this true? if so could someone tell me what its called so I can look it up please. Is there any markets? I love a good market. My son wants to get a sim card for while we are over there so he can use the internet while we are out (he loves pokemon go) will I be able to get one there? Its only for the internet and he would only need about 2GB. Ive read that Vodafone do a good one for 15 euro with 3GB of data, can I buy that in the local shop? Any information would be greatly appreciated as we've never been this this part of spain before

There is not a lot to do for children, you have play parks and pool tables. 

The walk to Quesada you will find a mini golf, about 40min, water p ark about an hour's walk.

Benijofar market on a Thursday and Rosales on a Thursday both finish at 2pm 

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