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finding forever homes for 5 loving cats

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 12:01am
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Posts: 1

Location: Los Montesinos

Joined: 1 Mar 2017

hello after a heavy life changing decisions I am deciding to move back to England and find myself having to split up my family in the process. 

all 5 cats have different personalities compared to each other.

I can go into more detail a bit later

let me get to the important stuff

Mikey, a 4 yr old black male, yellow eyes and a little kink in his tail where it didn't grow properly in the womb but doesn't bother him. I got him from a living family at 9 weeks old all cute and spiky.

Maya a 3 yr old half Siamese more normal cat than Siamese but has the most beautiful blue eyes, dark ears, patches like a cow's skin and has a dark tail with a tiny little white tip like a paintbrush. I got her from the protectora de animales in alicante at only 5 weeks old.

max a 2 yr old male is stripy from head to tail very kind nature and has always shown his appreciation from being rescued at the airport inside a car keeping warm to survive but is 1 of the noisiest out of the bunch when it's feeding time, very vocal when hungry.

Mario's story is an interesting 1 out of all of them. he was born right next to me and my ex partner as we slept. so age- from day 1 to now 10 months.

his mummy is a Bengal cat I bought from a bebgal breeder in tarragon for my 30th birthday.

so that means he is half Bengal. he is stripy from head to tail just like his daddy max and thick like him as well but with the softness similar to velvet like his mummy.

he came a long due to insufficient funds available at the time due to hardships with lack of wages coming in on my ex partners part with both mum n dad being unable to afford the castration needing to pay for find and bills yo live.

last but not least is 

mufasa 8-9 months 

unsure of his actual age.

he was found in mass square, by my colleagues friend, she had to go to work so gave him to my colleague.

she came to work to start her shift whereas I was half way through.

she came inside the bar, excitedly saying Kayleigh come you have to see this kitten.

he was only about 5-8 weeks we thought with Mario being only 6-9 weeks old.

she put him in my arms, he instantly relaxed, looked up at me and just meowed so innocently I just fell in love with him.

it's with a VERY heavy heart that I can only leave with only my Bengal cat mojo.

if I could I would.

I have been thinking to make a welcome hamper for each cat adopted.

recently we decided to buy a 15kg vet approved dry sterilized biscuits which I can give each cat 2kg, I have around 10kgs leftover.

also I would like to put in the hamper a weeks worth of mercadona adult pate again for each cat adopted as this is the food they have been on since lockdown happened.

another plus is 

every cat is up to date with vaccinations inc recently being medicated for worms, all steralised, chipped, passports and all have fell collars bought from Amazon that still have around 4-5 months.

so they are all up to date and registered at mundo animal in gran alacant commercial centre.

thank you for taking the time to read all of my add.

look forward to hearing from you.

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