Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 10:06pm
Current rules are due to expire on 31st January. At the moment it is pure speculation as to what will be in force on 1st. February.
The Spanish government have not yet made any announcement.
The only thing we know at present is that the EU have made the decision to reduce the validity of the EUDCC from 365 days to 270 days and this will come into effect on 1st February.
In fact if you read the information provided by Citizens Advice Spain on their Facebook page it it actually confirms that the change for entry requirements has only been updated to make people aware of the EU change to the vaccination certificate
I expect the announcement for entry into Spain from Feb 1 will be announced at the weekend.
Don’t forget the current Valencian regulations are also only in force till 31 Jan. That update will again probably be announced at the weekend .