Are we barred from visiting our Holiday Homes for the next 6 months?
The October 25th State of Emergency in Spain, seems to state that travel to Holiday Homes is not allowed. The Valencian Province rules also seem to bar travel other than work, medical or emergency.
My question is....Are we barred from entering Spain for SIX MONTHS from October 25th to visit our Holiday Home? Could the time limit be lifted within the Valencian region before that? I know, you need a Genii to be able to forecast that!!
We had flights for next week, with Ryanair that have not been cancelled, and want to change them. Uk rules make it impossible to travel now, but where do we go from here? If the restriction is for six months, there is no point in changing them to January is there?
We have not been to our Holiday Home since we left in Early February, and are quite anxious about it.
So, if someone could clarify the exact rules, I would be grateful.
I have read the Uk Gov site and the Spanish Gov site too. But neither seems to spell it out to a Home Owner. We are not residents, and not staying in a tourist hotel.
Many thanks.