Super helpful member
I took this from a Facebook page this morning.
Interested to know if this opinion resonates with the factual experience of members of this forum.
"We’ve just returned from a Murcia trip to view some potential ‘Holiday / looking to retirement age homes’.. this was our second trip the first being in February. In one Urbanización more than others there is this overwhelming support for ‘Brexit’ and wanting to leave the EU..!! Yet the residents appear to be leaving in droves back to the UK, some can’t sell their properties, those which have done have done at a very low price, People are moaning about health care worries, worried about their futures after living in Spain for so many years etc... the amount of properties up for sale since February was shocking.
But the best one I heard while ‘earwigging’ was a woman in her late 60’s saying she’s voted to leave because of immigration... yet she’s having to stop working and is considering returning to the UK because after all of her years in Spain the relevant authorities have clamped down on her because she didn’t have residential status...!! She’s spent the last 18 or so years working illegally and now she’s blaming the Spanish for being the way they are.."