Not defending the action just saying that the police are taking it seriously as should we all. Apparently this young man had gone shopping soley to buy the couple of cans of beer he was carrying and the cops were, to say the least, unimpresed.
Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2020 12:57pm
Helpful member
Why is it during this crisis all these loonies and maladjusted cretins appear on the streets when the majority of the " normal population " simply want to get the basics to survive and get home quickly till this contagion is contained?
Why on earth would you need a sword ? Just incase you get into an altercation over a can of beer, pasta or bog roll ?😮😯
This world never ceases to amaze and surprise me. It you are not you are not paying enough attention and probably miss noticing these loonies 😢😢😐
Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2020 2:50pm
Helpful member
So a number of offences here mostly by the police including nicking his lunch and evening meal , assault by smacking across the face , also the person taking the vid seems to be unaware that it is illegal to record or take photos of the local policia or Guardia, and commits a further offence by putting it on social media ..big no no ...!!
And the kid was a typical modern idiot teenager who thinks the " rules " dont apply to him ..!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2020 3:05pm
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Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2020 3:21pm
Helpful member
Same as the stupid family of 6 stopped yesterday going n "hols" to the Lake district , instead of a stiff fine plod just chastised them , turned them around and led them back to the M6 to return to Leigh in Lancs..
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Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2020 4:30pm
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What astounds me from this video is that the majority of these ignorant cretins are "elderly " and you would think they would know better. In fact imho ALOT of these older people are often worse than the teenage louts and you only have to fly on low cost airlines or travel through alicante airport to see them around " having a laugh" at everyone else's expense 😠😠😠.
" The problem with this world is that all the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid are full of confidence" 😢😡😴
It is called, " The Dunning- Kruger Effect"
They don't teach that at the benidorm playskool 😂😃😉
Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2020 4:56pm
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When death rates from covid19 become the highest in the world they still won't get it RayD.😢😢😢
You can take a donkey to water but......
Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2020 5:44pm
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Yes, your right, I don't think it is that the message is not getting through rather than don't care, either through stupidity or selfishness (or both). Luckily they don't have second homes on the coast to go to otherwise they would have all fled to those, as happened in other countries.
Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2020 6:51pm
Helpful member
I know hes an idiot , but you condone assault by the police on members of the public ..????
Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2020 7:06pm
Helpful member
So you approve too then ..?
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