La Marina forum
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Jim's guides - your complete guide to Spain
57 replies 118 helpful posts

Coronavirus discussion forums and information
69 replies 138 helpful posts
Properties in the La Marina area
For sale: 6 bedroom house / villa - €724,950
This Spectacular, West Facing, Four Bedroom Detached Villa + Separate Two Bedroom Annex in ...
For sale: 2 bedroom apartment / flat - €109,000
Top floor flat with rooftop solarium located at El Pinet on the outskirts of La Marina village featu...
For sale: 2 bedroom apartment / flat - €59,000
Formentera Del Segura, Costa Blanca
2 Bed Apartment Near the Golf Course and the Beach with Ground floor access to a Secluded Couryard a...
Coronavirus discussion in La Marina: Covid-19 news and updates
Discuss Coronavirus in La Marina

I need a PCR test to fly back to UK
56 replies 24 helpful posts

51 replies 23 helpful posts
General La Marina discussion
Talk about everything related to La Marina that isn't covered elsewhere

Permitted length of stay in one session after brexit
140 replies 305 helpful posts

Walking football
1 replies
Driving, hiring, buying and owning a car in La Marina
Discuss driving, hiring, buying and owning a car in La Marina, including licences and documents, ITV testing etc

Geoff's guide - Driving from Calais to Costa Blanca South
27 replies 30 helpful posts

Fiat 500 Manual for Sale
2 replies
Buy and sell items in La Marina
Advertise here for free any unwanted/secondhand items that you would like to sell or buy in La Marina. For example: Household items/Bicycles/Garden furniture etc. Please include prices and photos, if possible.
Animals and pets in La Marina
Looking for advice, hints and tips for animals and pets in La Marina? Share advice with other residents in La Marina to keep your pets happy and healthy.

2 year old shitzu
4 replies 7 helpful posts
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